Chunky Monkey Nice Cream (Only 3 Ingredients)

This chunky monkey vegan nice cream recipe is my own healthy version of one of my favorites. Nice cream always tastes the best when it is freshly made, but you are always welcome to make a bigger batch and freeze the rest for later. This recipe only has 3 ingredients which makes it super simple and quick to whip up when you have a nice cream craving. Make sure you have frozen chopped bananas before starting this recipe.

chunky monkey nice cream vegan plant based ice cream


● Five Bananas (chopped and frozen)

1/4 cup Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips

● 1/4 Cup Walnuts 

Optional Add Ons:

● Cinnamon

● Dates

● Stevia

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1. Place a bowl (that you will pour your nicecream into) in the freezer.

2. Add frozen bananas to your high powered blender. (Click here for the blender I’ve used for years) Blend and alternate scraping the sides to help the blending process. The consistency should remind you of frozen yogurt.

3. For the last 30 seconds of blending, add the walnuts and chocolate chips. If you desire a chunkier texture, pulse the blender a few times. If you want a smoother texture (like mine), let the blender run for 15-30 seconds, stirring as needed.

4. Pour into your (now chilled) bowl and enjoy! Makes 2-3 servings.

A good blender is KEY to any nice cream recipe. Blendtec is the blender I have been using for years! I highly recommend it if you use it as often as I do. It makes blending frozen fruit SO much easier and SO much faster.

Here is the link: Blendtec Blender